2 years ago
Brighton is finally here...
At about 2:45 Tuesday morning I woke up to my water breaking in bed. I woke Tyson up and after the shock of the moment he jumped out of bed and started getting us ready to go. I had a scheduled inducement on Thursday the 14th, and luckily I had already packed everything. When we got to the hospital I still had not felt any contractions and was hopeful that it would stay that way. With my second, Jensen I didn't feel a thing so I was hoping Brighton would be like him. Boy was I wrong! After they got me settled in my bed they started coming more and more and harder and harder. I finally asked for an epideral at about 6 am and then unfortunately I stopped progressing. A few hours later at 9 I was finally getting close. My doctor finally made it in at like 9:15 and then at 9:21 he was born! It happened really fast, and I was grateful I didn't even need to push! He came out really purple and he was quiet. I was really scared that he wasn't breathing, but they assured me that was completely fine. He didn't even start to cry until after they took him away from me to clean him up. He was and is such a good baby! We named him Brighton Glenn after my Grandpa. He was 8 lbs. 12 oz. and was 21 inches long - our biggest baby so far. I am so grateful to have him in our family and love the sweet spirit that he has already brought into our home. Welcome to the world Brighton!
Getting ready for child number 3
So precious and sweet - He is such a good baby!
I love his chubby cheeks - they are so kissable
Annie was so excited that she got to come to the hospital. She loved holding him and has been such a good helper. She never wants to leave his side. Jensen was excited to see him but refused to hold him at the hospital. He called him baby Sydney a few times, which is his cousin - so I think he is still getting used to the idea that Brighton is his baby brother and that he is here to stay.
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That's such a great family picture! Congratulations Kim and Tyson!!! Can't wait to meet him sometime. Love you guys!
Darling! Congratulations!! I'm jealous that Kim's face is still so skinny when she's just had a baby!
Congratulations! He's so cute and I am very jealous of your short labor!
I'm so happy for you guys! I'm glad that everything turned out great! So you were going to be induced a week early? How did you convince Dr. Huish to schedule that? Also, your kids were able to come to the hospital!? Let me know how you got that to happen! I was told that Sophie wouldn't be able to come! Seriously - if you get the time write me back because I want to know! I was a 1 1/2 and 70 percent at my appt yesterday! I know that could mean nothing for a while though, but maybe not. I just need to make it through my shower on Saturday! I'm so glad that he's a good baby!
He is so adorable! Congratulations. I have his car seat canopy all ready. So if you are up to it maybe we will try to swing by this weekend and drop it off. So glad everything went well!
Congratulations! He is such a cute and chubby new little angel!
Hooray! I am so excited for you! AND SO IS AJ!!! He lit up when I told him that your newest family member was finally here! CONGRATULATIONS!!
He is so cute and chubby already I LOVE it!
Congrats! He is so beautiful! LOVE chubby cheeks :)
Annie will be a great helper/big sister :)
How funny you named him Brighton. We don't know anyone by that name & have decided to name our little guy it as well. :) Small world.
Feel better & can't wait to meet him!
I can't believe you have 3 kids! :)
congrats! i'm so happy for you guys. he looks so sweet.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Your guys look so happy and Brighton is such a cute baby!! I am so happy for you guys. What a beautiful family!!
He is so adorable!!!! congrats on the arrival!!! Your family is so sweet.
Awww Kim...you are such a beautiful mother and you have a gorgeous family! You are awesome!
Gosh! I haven't look at your blog for forever! Congrats on the new baby! So glad that he is healthy and such a good baby! I can't beleive you guys have 3! I wish you were closer too! Gosh I could use a day of crafting!
We love Brighton already!!! We miss and love you guys! p.s. adding you to our blog list so we can blog-stalk you :)
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