So, I figured I better do a post of all our Christmas memories now, before the baby comes or it will never happen! So, even though it is late here are some of the things we did this past Christmas Season. It was a wonderful Christmas and we had so much fun with the kids this year. They get into it more and more every year. This year they especially loved all of the Christmas songs. They both loved and still love the song, Santa Claus is Coming To Town. I think it is one they will be singing all year long - they at least haven't stopped yet. They were so sad when we took down our Christmas tree and our decorations, and look forward to next year already!
Sharing some Cocoa.
It was funny because neither of them wanted the other to get more than them so they both drank really fast :)
Some pics from our Christmas Card:
Annie trying to get Jensen to Smile!
Tyson did a great job on the Tumbleweed Man!
They were so excited to see Santa Claus this year. This was the first year they did it together without one of them crying in the picture. Jensen ran right up to him and asked for a Dinosaur and Annie was a little more shy but still followed and told him she wanted a Scooter.
Dressing Up for our Ward Christmas Party
Nice tie :) Unfortunately we were late for church so we just got the one picture, oh well.
Christmas with the Haws Family:
Annie showing off a present she has wanted for a long time
We all had so much fun doing a mock Christmas morning with the Haws Family a week before Christmas. Our kids got so many toys they thought Christmas was over!
Waiting for their Christmas Pajamas - I didn't get them wrapped.
Jensen caught peeking at a present
Setting a plate of goodies out for Santa. Annie insisted that Santa didn't want milk, but instead wanted Hot Cocoa so that is what he got.
Sleeping side by side Christmas Eve
Jensen was so excited to get a dinosaur that roars!
Annie and her new scooter
One of their favorite toys - now they are actually allowed to fight each other. Jensen always goes and gets the swords and takes them to either Annie or Daddy asking for a fight.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season like we did!