I think I was more excited for this then Annie was, but as soon as we went to the dress rehearsal she couldn't wait. There were so many cute girls there doing their dance and tumbling routines, that she couldn't wait to go on stage and perform too. She has been taking a Parent Tot tumbling class for about a year now and she absolutely loves it. She had so much fun at the recital, but I was so scared that she would not perform without me being right next to her, and I was not going to do that, so I bribed her! She got a new Barbie doll AND pink flowers for doing it all by herself! She is such a cutie. Love you Annie!!!!
2 years ago
YAY!! I found you!! ok..it was so fun tonight when you guys came over..I just love you guys..I am so SO SO SO SO grateful you are our neighbors...we got lucky:) ok..my email is lstorg@hotmail.com email me so I can invite you to my blog!!! and annie is SO beautiful!! where does she do dance? who's the teacher? We are excited for Friday and Saturday:)
Hey just wanted to say that it was fun to see you guys! Your house is nice and your kids are cute! I'm jealous that you guys went on a cruise together! I bet that was so fun! Anyway, thanks for being such a good friends. You are good people and we appreciate you!
That is so cute!
(ps, this is amy legler (reilly))
cute pics.
it was good to see you today.
thanks again for letting me stop by.
SOOO cute!! I can't believe how big she is already! Thanks for the birthday wishes. We should definately get together and catch up. I have been so busy with wedding stuff, but soon life will be back to normal!!
What a cutie pie!! I miss you guys. Hope everything is good. How fun it is to be able to dress up your little girl and send her off to dance. :)
She looks adorable all ready for her dance recital! Congratulations on baby #3! Wow! I can't believe it! I hope you feel better soon!
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