Disneyland or Bust!
Since we have never gone on a family vacation we decided it was about time!

Jensen and Annie had a lot of fun helping mommy get things packed up!

The first stop was Build A Bear on Saturday evening. Here are Annie and Jensen showing off their choices before they came to life! Also pictured is Daddy and Aunt Jennifer.

Annie felt it very necessary to give her new bear a bath.

Here she is showing off her new teddybear! Isn't she just the cutest thing!

Here we are this morning on the first ride of the day...the Tram ride from the parking lot to the park! Even this had Annie and Jensen wide eyed and all excited.
If you had asked Annie any time in the past 6 months what was going to be the first ride she went on she would have replied with an emphatic "Dumbo!" So Dumbo it was! They both loved it.
Here is Annie strutting her stuff around the park!
Here's Mommy and Daddy catching a moment to themselves. Uncle Keith was a Saint and watched the kids several times for us today. We love you Keith!
This was the funniest thing! When we passed this balloon vendor Jensen's eyes about doubled in size and he ran over and just started reaching up. Of course he got his balloon and couldn't be happier!
There are many more pictures but hopefully this gives you a glimpse of Day 1 in our adventures at Disneyland! See you tomorrow!