We blessed Brighton last month on March 7th, but I hadn't ever posted pictures of him in his little outfit, so I figured I'd better share the cuteness :) It was a wonderful day and I could feel the spirit so strong throughout the whole day. I know that Brighton is a very special boy and that he has come to our family for a reason. We love him tons. I am also very thankful to have a wonderful husband who honors his Priesthood duties and takes them seriously so that he is able to bless our children and follow the promptings of the spirit. I am so blessed to have him! After church we had family over for a yummy dinner and we were glad for all the support and love we get from our great families! It was a very nice day - Thanks Brighton for coming to our family!!
The flash was a little close, but it was the best smile we got

What a stud

Bless you!

I think he's trying to wink at me

He was so stiff in this outfit and probably really uncomfortable, but oh so cute.

How much longer do I have to pose for these?

Staring at something more interesting :)

Awww - I just love him. He's such a sweetie!